”My wholehearted recommendation of you,
Dr. Kozłowski. You have obviously chosen the right profession. Probably the best dentist in Poland. Keep up the good work!”
“Min helhjertede anbefaling af dig, Dr. Kozłowski. Du har naturligvis valgt den rigtige profession. Sandsynligvis den bedste tandlæge i Polen. Fortsæt det gode arbejde! “
Ann, Crawley
”Excellent communication prior to visit, questions answered quickly and in a reassuring way. Great care on arrival making sure everything is well with the accommodation and being taken to the dentist. As for the treatment; just SUPERB. The anesthetic jabs were so gentle and I didn’t feel a thing during any of the treatment! and the pain killers were really good. For anyone considering this trip to get serious dental work done, THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR. You will well looked after and there is help offer with other crisis during you stay too.”
“Fremragende kommunikation forud for besøg, spørgsmål besvaret hurtigt og på betryggende måde. Stor omhu ved ankomsten sikre, at alt er godt med indkvartering og bliver taget til tandlægen. Som til behandling, blot fremragende. Narkosemidlet jabs var så blid og jeg føler ikke noget under nogen af behandlingen! og smertestillende var virkelig gode. For nogen overvejer denne tur at få alvorlige dental arbejde, er der intet at frygte. Du vil godt set og der er hjælp tilbud med andre krise under dit ophold også. “
A.Szymanska, UK
”Excellent service throughout by DTP staff. Very pleasant Dentist (and staff) very high quality of work with good materials and clean state of the art facilities. A surprisingly comfortable experience in a beautiful city. No problems whatsoever 18 months on.”
“Fremragende service i hele af DTP personale. Meget behagelig tandlæge (og personale) meget høj kvalitet i arbejdet med gode materialer og rene state of the art faciliteter. En overraskende behagelig oplevelse i en smuk by. Ingen problemer overhovedet 18 måneder. “
K. Brown, UK
”We could not have had any better treatment,the service was fantastic,we would recommend it to anybody,the dentist was just out of this world ,we could not believe you were in a dentist chair.”
“Vi kunne ikke have haft nogen bedre behandling, tjenesten var fantastisk, vi vil anbefale det til nogen, tandlægen var lige ud af denne verden, kunne vi ikke tro du var i en tandlæge stol.”
C.B., UK
”Absolutely fantastic service. The staff were extremely helpful and courteous. The Dentist was great/ They arranged absolutely everything for me including transfers to and from the airport and everything was included in the price. I would definitely recommend your service to everyone I know. Should I need more dental work I will definitely come back. They could have charged me double and it still would have been cheaper then getting any Dental work done in London.”
“Absolut fantastisk service. Personalet var yderst hjælpsomme og høflige. Tandlægen var stor / De arrangeret absolut alt for mig, herunder overførsler til og fra lufthavnen og alt var inkluderet i prisen. Jeg vil absolut anbefale din service til alle, jeg kender. Skal jeg bruge mere dental arbejde, jeg vil helt sikkert vende tilbage. De kunne have opkrævet mig dobbelt, og det stadig ville have været billigere end at få nogen Dental arbejde i London. “
B.R., London
”I found everyone in Dental Travel Poland very helpful and friendly. The service provided was excellent and every procedure was explained in detail. They also went out of their way to accommodate me with an extra appointment I needed within the short space of time that I was in Gdansk. I can highly recommend Dental Travel Poland.”
“Jeg fandt alle i Dental Travel Poland meget hjælpsomme og venlige. Tjenesteydelsen var fremragende og hver procedure blev forklaret i detaljer. De gik også ud af deres måde at rumme mig med en ekstra aftale jeg havde brug for inden for kort tid, at jeg var i Gdansk. Jeg kan stærkt anbefale Dental Travel Poland. “
Patricia Roe, Ireland
”My experience of this “
dental tour” in Gdansk was beyond expectation with very helpful tour coordinator, taxi ride; then very helpful receptionist of the hotel I stayed plus good breakfast and everything in general; the best bit obviously is my fantastic experience with the dental care with very pleasant and caring dentist plus assistants. All the treatments were clearly explained and organised until the final treatment. Gdansk is a wonder city to visit too with really nice ambient with good cheap beers and foods!! I love it and will definitely return even without my tooth problem.”
“Min oplevelse af denne” dental tour “i Gdansk var ud over forventning med meget nyttigt tour koordinator, taxi ride; så meget nyttigt receptionist af hotellet jeg opholdt plus god morgenmad og alt i almindelighed, den bedste bit selvfølgelig er min fantastisk oplevelse med den tandpleje med meget behagelig og omsorgsfulde tandlæge plus assistenter. Alle behandlingerne blev tydeligt forklaret og organiseret, før den endelige behandling. Gdansk er en spekulerer by at besøge med en rigtig flot ambient med gode billige øl og fødevarer! Jeg elsker det og vil helt sikkert vende tilbage selv uden min tand problem. “
”I was very impressed with the communication and the price of the treatment. The clinic was very friendly and I got first class treatment from the dentist, who went beyond normal levels of servie to get my treatment finished. For example he used a taxi to get my impressions to the lab and came to work on his day off to fitmy bridge.”
“Jeg var meget imponeret med kommunikationen og prisen på behandlingen. Klinikken var meget venlig og jeg fik førsteklasses behandling fra tandlægen, som gik ud over normale niveauer af servie at få min behandling færdig. For eksempel brugte han en taxa at få mine indtryk til laboratoriet og kom til arbejde på sin fridag til fitmy bro. “
Matt Ayscough
”DTP was extremely friendly and professional. I was provided clear instructions and maps to the clinic (and even a direct mobile number to communicate by SMS in case it was necessary). The dentist I was seen by spoke fluent english and overall was able to accomodate my very tight schedule (4 working days in Poland for a crown) without any difficulty.”
“DTP var meget venlige og professionelle. Jeg blev givet klare instrukser og kort til klinikken (og endda et direkte mobilnummer til at kommunikere via SMS, hvis det var nødvendigt). Tandlægen jeg blev set af talte flydende engelsk og samlet var i stand til at modtage min meget stram tidsplan (4 arbejdsdage i Polen til en krone) uden problemer. “
”I would like to thank DTP for their service and especially my representative Joanna Rojek. I am ever grateful for her professionalism, eagerness to help me and general kind attitude. I have already recommended your company and Joanna personally to many of my friends that are contemplating having dental surgery. If in the future I need any more work done, I have no doubt in my mind that I will be using DTP again. As for the dentist himself, Leszek Kozlowski, he was extremely thorough, professional and his bedside manner was exceptional. I am very happy with his work, I LOVE MY NEW TEETH ”
“Jeg vil gerne takke DTP for deres service og især min repræsentant Joanna Rojek. Jeg er altid taknemmelig for hendes professionalisme, iver efter at hjælpe mig og generelle art attitude. Jeg har allerede anbefalet jeres firma og Joanna personligt til mange af mine venner, der overvejer at have dental kirurgi. Hvis jeg i fremtiden har brug for noget mere udført arbejde, jeg har ingen tvivl i mit sind, at jeg vil bruge DTP igen. Som for tandlægen selv, Leszek Kozlowski han var yderst grundig, professionel og hans nedladende facon var usædvanlige. Jeg er meget tilfreds med hans arbejde, jeg elsker mine nye tænder “
Mitchell Clarke
”This is a good and better for patients I respect this company from the core of my heart. It is good company I pray for that doctor who treated me that day he is good dental doctor and a helper nurse they both treated nicely with me that day. I found this company is the best of all over the world about patients.”
“Dette er en god og bedre for patienterne jeg respekterer dette selskab fra kernen af mit hjerte. Det er godt selskab Jeg beder for, at læge, der behandlede mig den dag han er god dental læge og en hjælper sygeplejerske de begge behandlet pænt med mig den dag. Jeg fandt dette selskab er den bedste af hele verden om patienterne. “
“An excellent service and excellent treatment I would definitely recommend it.”
“En fremragende service og fremragende behandling jeg vil absolut anbefale det.”
P.B., UK
“Great service – very cheap!”
“Great service – meget billigt!”
Kim A., Denmark
“I got Dr. Adam. He speaks English. He is very easy going and calm. He explains what he is going to do before he does it. The equipment is very modern, I live in Norway and I have never seen so high level on camera, x-ray, and laser thing for whitening. I broke a tooth which was root canaled so I had to have three visits. Ok, that is a lot of traveling, but treatment only cost about 3300 NOK. That is great considered Poland is such a nice country to visit.”
“Jeg fik Dr. Adam. Han taler engelsk. Han er meget let går og rolig. Han forklarer, hvad han vil gøre, før han gør det. Udstyret er meget moderne, jeg bor i Norge, og jeg har aldrig set så højt niveau på kamera, jeg x-ray, og laser ting for blegning. brød en tand, der blev rod canaled så jeg var nødt til at have tre besøg. Ok, der er en masse rejser, men behandling kun koste omkring 3300 NOK. Dette er stor betragtes Polen er sådan et dejligt land at besøge. “
Espen R., Norway
“The staff at the clinic in Szczecin could not have been more helpful. It was an ideal spot for us as we were traveling in our motorhome and could park there in pleasant surroundings until the treatment was finished.”
“Personalet på klinikken i Stettin kunne ikke have været mere nyttigt. Det var et ideelt sted for os, som vi rejser i vores autocamper og kunne parkere der i behagelige omgivelser, indtil behandlingen var færdig.”
“I found Dental Travel Poland on a google search. I chose the Spa in Szczecin as I was travelling from the Shetland Islands with my daughter (14), and it looked so inviting set on the edge of the forest! They had a deal on that the accommodation and food was free, and my daughter could stay free too! I only had to pay for her food. The Manager Greg was fantastic, a real gentleman. The staff were very friendly, always smiling and making sure our stay was very comfortable.
Anna my dentist was brilliant and I couldn’t be happier with my treatment! I would go back again in a flash!
If anyone wants to phone me they are more than welcome!”
“Jeg fandt Dental Travel Poland på en google søgning. Jeg valgte Spa i Szczecin som jeg rejser fra Shetland Islands med min datter (14), og det så så indbydende sæt på kanten af skoven! De havde en aftale om, at indkvartering og mad var gratis, og min datter kunne bo gratis også! Jeg havde kun at betale for sin mad. The Manager Greg var fantastisk, en rigtig gentleman. Personalet var meget venlige, altid smilende og at sikre vores ophold var meget komfortabel.
Anna min tandlæge var strålende, og jeg kunne ikke være lykkeligere med min behandling! Jeg vil gå tilbage igen i en flash!
Hvis nogen ønsker at ringe til mig, at de er mere end velkommen!”
Julie Moncrieff, Shetland Islands, Scotland.
“Without hyperbole, I’ve hardly ever been treated so kindly and professionally, before. The staff was extremely helpful on all occasions, and went out of their way to accommodate us; the dental team was the best I ever encountered and their professionalism is outstanding; the location is fabulous.”
“Uden overdrivelse, jeg næppe nogensinde blevet behandlet så venligt og professionelt, før. Personalet var yderst hjælpsomme på alle lejligheder, og gik ud af deres måde at imødekomme os, dental holdet var det bedste jeg nogensinde har stødt på, og deres professionalisme er udestående; placeringen er fabelagtig.”
C.E., Germany
“I would realy recomand this company for anyone looking for dental treatment. Since I live in Norway, dental services are very expensive. Did only regular dentistry, but the savings alowed me to have at great holliday in one of Europas most beautifull cities. We all need to spend money at the dentist. Why not spend the money in beautiful and friendly place, and get an hollidy included? For the price of just the treatment at home? In fact, I am so happy with the clinik, and the dentist, that I am considering getting veneers. Because in this way, I can afford them! And they give med an exelent excuse to return to wonderfull Krakow:-) I was very pleased, but then I did not need any help regarding anything else than the treatment. And I have to say, Joanna is a star! “
“Jeg ville virkelig recomand dette selskab for alle, der leder til tandbehandling. Da jeg bor i Norge, tandlægeydelser er meget dyre. Gjorde eneste regulære tandpleje, men besparelserne alowed mig at have stor holliday i et af Europas mest smukke byer. Vi har alle brug for at bruge penge hos tandlægen. Hvorfor ikke bruge pengene på smukke og venlige sted, og få en hollidy inkluderet? For prisen på netop den behandling derhjemme? Faktisk er jeg så tilfreds med clinik, og tandlægen, at jeg overvejer at få finér. Fordi på denne måde, kan jeg råd til dem! Og de giver with en exelent undskyldning for at vende tilbage til wonderfull Krakow 🙂 Jeg var meget glad for, men jeg havde ikke brug for nogen hjælp med hensyn til andet end behandling. Og jeg må sige, at Joanna er en stjerne!”
H.S., Norway
“I had already booked a holiday with friends to Krakow. A friend suggested I look into dental care as I needed two fillings. I arranged it all easily by email before I went & got two fillings, for the price of one in Ireland! The dentist was lovely, fluent English & really professional. It was done so quickly. I’ll really recommend it!”
“Jeg havde allerede reserveret en ferie med venner til Krakow. En ven foreslog jeg ser ind tandpleje, som jeg havde brug for to fyldninger. Jeg arrangerede det hele nemt via e-mail, før jeg gik & fik to fyldninger, til prisen for én i Irland! Tandlægen var dejligt, flydende engelsk & virkelig professionel. Det blev gjort så hurtigt. Jeg vil virkelig anbefale det!”
E.B., Ireland
“I feel that the Clinic in Szczecin is absolutely ideal for patients needing quite extensive treatment, offering as it does a very peaceful stress-free environment with a very caring and helpful staff. I particularly appreciated being able to take another person with me.”
“Jeg føler, at klinikken i Stettin er helt ideel for patienter har behov for ganske omfattende behandling, der tilbyder som det gør en meget fredelig stress-frit miljø med en meget omsorgsfulde og hjælpsomme personale. Jeg især værdsat, at kunne tage en anden person med mig.”
R.A., UK
“Great treatment, no waiting list and perfectly price offer! Furthermore great team and fast mail answering!”
“Bra behandling, ingen väntelista och perfekt priserbjudande! Dessutom bra team och snabb post svar!”
K.D., Wien
“I was really very pleasantly surprised by the quality of work provided- and also the price. He replaced some mercury fillings with white ones and it’s like I have new teeth! I would recommend this dentist very highly and it’s likely I will be returning next year for more treatment.”